Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Post!

I have always been obsessed with blogs and my job as a teacher, so I decided that I would combine the two. I know, I know there are like a bazillion (sp?) teacher blogs out there, and I am sure that there are tons and tons better than mine, but I want to give it a go. Not only to share with other educators out there, but also a place online where I can go back, and see what I did (this may save me hours of searching through file folders and book shelves).

A little about my teaching job, I have been teaching first grade (love those first graders) for three years. The school where I teach is departmentalized from K all the way through 5th grade, so I teach only first grade math. The plus side to this, I only have to plan for one subject, the downside I never really get to stray from my "math black hole." I am always trying to find creative ways to make math fun, hands-on, and memorable for the kids. I love integrating literature, music, and art into any lesson that I can. I will be sharing my ideas on here and also will make sure to include the Common Core Standard that it correlates with (gotta love those standards).

Please check back often as I will be trying to post at least three times a week.

Happy Teachings and Keep Calm

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